F1 23: Best MOZA Wheel Settings: R5, R9, R16 + R21 (2024)

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F1 23: Best MOZA Wheel Settings: R5, R9, R16 + R21 (1)

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In this guide, I’m going to look at exactly how to set up any MOZA Racing wheel with F1 23 and get your force feedback feeling as good as possible. I’m going to be using the MOZA R9 for this guide, but I’ll talk about the ideal settings for all MOZA wheels including the less powerful R5, and more powerful R21.

These settings will ensure you are getting the best force feedback through your MOZA wheel when playing F1 23.

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Setting up your MOZA racing wheel in F1 23

MOZA R5 F1 23 settings

MOZA R9 F1 23 settings

MOZA R16 F1 23 settings

MOZA R21 F1 23 settings

Recommended MOZA Pit House settings

Setting up your MOZA racing wheel in F1 23

The first thing you should do before even starting F1 23, is ensure you have connected and set up your MOZA racing wheel correctly. These quick steps will make sure you don’t run into any silly issues such as your wheel not being recognised in game.

  1. Connect your MOZA racing wheel to your PC

    The first thing to do is connect your MOZA wheel to your PC via the USB cable. You should also connect your pedals as well, and make sure your steering wheel is mounted to your wheel base. Then power everything on.

  2. Download Pit House

    The second step is to download MOZA’s Pit House software. This can be found on MOZA’s website in the downloads section. Once downloaded, run through the installation of Pit House.

  3. Update firmware

    With Pit House up and running and your wheel connected, you should be prompted to run through the first time set up. This involves Pit House downloading the latest firmware and updating your wheel and pedals.

    If you are a long time MOZA user, you can check the latest firmware in the Pit House settings to ensure everything is up to date.

  4. Configure Pit House with F1 23

    Once the firmware is sorted, find the F1 23 game logo in the right hand side of Pit House and hit configure. This will configure your wheel to work in F1 23. If the auto config isn’t working, you can select the option which reads “set the startup path”. Navigate to the F1 23.exe file on your PC and select it and this will manually configure the game.

  5. Enter the recommended Pit House settings

    Then, before you start F1 23, enter our recommended Pit House settings. This will set up your wheel to perform at its best in F1 23.

  6. Update F1 23 wheel settings

    Finally, start-up F1 23 and head into the controller settings. Ensure your wheel is working by performing the button test in the calibration menu, and then input our recommended in-game force feedback settings.

MOZA R5 F1 23 settings

Racing Wheel – MOZA R5
Compatibility – PC
Price – £299/$299
Where to buyBuy from MOZA

F1 23 Settings:

The settings below are to be applied in F1 23’s settings.

  • Vibration & FFB: On
  • Vibration & FFB Strength: 95
  • On Track Effects: 45
  • Rumble Strip Effects: 35
  • Off Track Effects: 30
  • Wheel Damper: 25
  • Wheel rotation: 360°

MOZA R9 F1 23 settings

Racing Wheel – MOZA R9
Compatibility – PC
Price – £409/$439
Where to buyBuy from MOZA

F1 23 Settings:

The settings below are to be applied in F1 23’s settings.

  • Vibration & FFB: On
  • Vibration & FFB Strength: 95
  • On Track Effects: 40
  • Rumble Strip Effects: 35
  • Off Track Effects: 30
  • Wheel Damper: 20
  • Wheel rotation: 360°

MOZA R16 F1 23 settings

Racing Wheel – MOZA R16
Compatibility – PC
Price – £799/$799
Where to buyBuy from MOZA

F1 23 Settings:

The settings below are to be applied in F1 23’s settings.

  • Vibration & FFB: On
  • Vibration & FFB Strength: 70
  • On Track Effects: 25
  • Rumble Strip Effects: 30
  • Off Track Effects: 20
  • Wheel Damper: 0
  • Wheel rotation: 360°

MOZA R21 F1 23 settings

Racing Wheel – MOZA R21
Compatibility – PC
Price – £999/$999
Where to buyBuy from MOZA

F1 23 Settings:

The settings below are to be applied in F1 23’s settings.

  • Vibration & FFB: On
  • Vibration & FFB Strength: 60
  • On Track Effects: 20
  • Rumble Strip Effects: 25
  • Off Track Effects: 20
  • Wheel Damper: 0
  • Wheel rotation: 360°

Recommended MOZA Pit House settings

So let’s now take a look at our recommended Pit House settings for F1 23. There are a lot of settings in MOZA Pit House, so I’m going to run through each one and show you what I’d recommend and give a brief overview of what each setting does.

Basic settings

Maximum steering angle – 360

Starting in the basic settings, you have the maximum steering angle which should be set to 360° for F1 23. This is simply the maximum rotation of your steering wheel.

Road sensitivity – 9

The road sensitivity will control how much of the fine road surface details you’ll feel in F1 23. I have this set to 9 which is just below the max. You’ll want this setting high with all MOZA wheels otherwise the road will feel silky smooth.

Game force feedback intensity 100%

The force feedback intensity is the overall controller of the strength of force feedback coming from F1 23. Keep this set to 100% to allow F1 23 to send all force feedback data to your wheel.

Maximum wheel speed – 50%

The maximum wheel speed setting controls how fast your steering wheel can spin or return to center. Setting this to around 50% is ideal for F1 23.

Wheel spring strength – 0%

The spring strength is an artificial return to center which is designed for games that don’t include this. Set it to zero for F1 23.

Wheel damper – 45%

Your wheel damper will smooth out some of the raw force feedback to make things feel a bit smoother. You will want some damping otherwise your steering wheel will feel like it’s shaking all the time. Set this to 45% for F1 23.

Advanced settings

Maximum output torque limit – 100%

The maximum output torque limit can cap your wheel’s max torque. Useful for really strong wheels such as the R21, but I would really leave it at 100% for all MOZA wheels.

Hands off protection and steering wheel inertia – On + 2800

The hands off protection is a safety feature that detects when you let go of the steering wheel and it will stop it from spinning. The steering wheel inertia sets the speed at which the wheel base detects you no longer have control of the steering wheel. Set this to 2800 for F1 23.

Natural inertia – 200%

The natural inertia setting acts similarly to your wheel damper in the basic settings but focuses more on the inertia of your car in game. I like this setting at 200% for F1 23.

Wheel friction – 30%

The wheel friction setting simulates friction in the wheel itself, with lower settings making your steering wheel more lively. Set this to 30%.

Speed-dependent damping – 65%

Speed-dependent damping will adjust the damping of your racing wheel dependent on your car’s speed. The faster you travel, the more damping is applied. This will make the wheel feel harder to rotate at high speed, and prevent small vibrations when travelling at high speed in F1 23. Go for about 65% here.

Start point of speed-dependent damping – 200km/h

The start point of the speed-dependent damping sets the speed you need to be travelling for the damping to kick in. I have this set to 200km/h as you’ll often be exceeding this while accelerating down long straights.

FFB effect equaliser

The FFB effect equaliser gives you the opportunity to fine tune your force feedback at specific frequencies. This fine control lets you boost certain sensations while dulling others.

If you don’t like a specific vibration at a certain frequency or want to boost individual effects, here is a great place to do it.

I’ve gone for the following settings which work well in F1 23;

  • 10Hz – 80%
  • 15Hz – 120%
  • 25Hz – 170%
  • 40Hz – 180%
  • 50Hz – 160%

Base FFB curve

You can further fine-tune your force feedback by adjusting the output curve. This can boost the force feedback at different points of the output curve.

To be honest, I have gotten the force feedback feeling pretty good with the basic and advanced settings, so I generally leave the FFB curve set to default.


Finally, there is another tab titled miscellaneous. This is where you can control your soft limit strength and a few other settings. The only thing I really do in this tab is turn down my soft limit stiffness to 1 and set the soft limit strength to middle.

This is really down to personal preference and relates to how hard you like the soft limit to be at the end of the wheel travel.

And that rounds out the Pit house settings. Once these are inputted, you can save a preset so you can load it again later, which I’d recommend doing.

To make things easy, I’ll leave a link below for this preset, so you can quickly import it into your version of Pit House.

Download our F1 23 MOZA Pit House preset here.

--- Article continues below ---

F1 23 in-game force feedback settings explained

Next, I’m going to boot up F1 23 and run through the force feedback settings to really further optimise how the force feedback feels. It is definitely worth changing the settings in both Pit House and F1 23 to really ensure you are getting the optimal experience.

Before inputting these settings, I’d recommend running through the button test in the calibration settings. This will ensure that the inputs are being correctly recognised.

Then once everything is definitely working, jump into the vibration and force feedback settings.

Vibration & Force Feedback Strength

The first setting is the overall strength setting, which you should change dependent on which MOZA wheel you’re using. If you are using an R5 or R9 wheel base I’d recommend setting this to 95%.

I like to keep it away from 100% just to ensure we aren’t running into any clipping issues. This is where the game force feedback is hitting the maximum performance of your wheel which is called clipping.

For the R16 wheel base I have this set to 70% and for the R21 I opt for 60% here.

On Track Effects

Then the on track effects, along with the rumble strip and off track effects all control the strength of individual surfaces around a track.

Increasing any of them boosts the force feedback in that particular area.

I’d recommend setting the on track effects to 40. This allows you to get a good feel of the track surface without overwhelming your force feedback.

Rumble Strip & Off Track Effects

The rumble strip and off track effects are much more down to personal preference. I like these both a bit lower than my on track effects, as it makes it easier to control the car when I do venture a little too far off track.

Wheel Damper

The wheel damper setting in F1 23 works very similarly to how it works in the Pit House software. It smooths out some force feedback and adds some weight to your steering wheel.

Again, this is very much personal preference but I like to set it pretty low for most direct drive wheels including the R9. I’ve gone for 20 which adds some weight but doesn’t make the steering wheel feel too sticky.

If you are using an R5 I’d recommend increasing this to 25-30. And if you’re using a more powerful MOZA wheel such as the R16 or R21, I’d lower it right down to 0.


All that is left is to head out on track, and test out the settings. Personally, I think this combination of F1 23 and Pit House settings are perfect for this years game. And they really allow the force feedback to do its thing, and in some areas feel better than it did in last years game.

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F1 23: Best MOZA Wheel Settings: R5, R9, R16 + R21 (10)

Article written by Rich

Founder of SimRacingSetups.com

Rich is the co-founder, and one of the main F1 setup creators and content writers for SimRacingSetups. With over a decade of experience as a graphic designer, marketing director, competitive sim racer and avid motorsport fan, Rich founded SimRacingSetup.com to share his passion and knowledge of sim racing and Formula 1 with other sim racers.

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F1 23: Best MOZA Wheel Settings: R5, R9, R16 + R21 (2024)


What is the best steering wheel setting for F1 23? ›

What is the best maximum wheel rotation for F1 2023? Like previously stated, this game represents reality best when set to 360°. But if you watch eSports, you may see some of them drive with setting a bit lower and some even below 300°.

Can you use any wheel with Moza r9? ›

A: Yes, as long as the steering wheel that meets the D1 SPEC specification quick release can be connected to the MOZA Racing base, but the interaction between the paddles and buttons of the steering wheel body requires the steering wheel to be connected to the computer by other means.

What is the best steering ratio? ›

Steering ratios vary, depending on the type of vehicle and its intended use. Typical automotive steering ratios range from about 24:1 with manual steering to about 14:1 with power steering assist. The higher the steering ratio, the easier it is to turn the wheel and steer the vehicle.

What is realistic force feedback? ›

So correct realistic FFB should be as close to real-life driving as possible. As a driver, you want to feel every kerb, every rumble strip and every bump in the road. Most importantly, however, you want to feel the weight of the car.

Why has F1 gone to 18 inch wheels? ›

Formula 1 is set to stick with an 18-inch tyre size when the new technical regulations come into force in 2026 after a possible switch to 16 inches was rejected. The smaller rim size was under consideration largely as part of ongoing efforts by the FIA to reduce the overall weight of the 2026 cars.

Does the Thrustmaster T80 work on the F1 23? ›

I have F1 23 installed on PC. I also have Thrustmaster T80 installed for gaming. The use of it was fine with the previous F1 2021 but does not work with F1 23. Other gaming pads do however, such as Logitech Extreme 3D PRO and InterLink DX however of no use to me.

What wheels fit on a Moza R5? ›

MOZA Racing Wireless wheels allow easy attachment with zero latency wireless connection for steering wheel control signal. The R5 is compatible with all MOZA V2 steering wheels and the FSR and ES steering wheels.

What is the best MOZA wheelbase? ›

Overall, the Moza R21 direct drive wheelbase is a powerful and advanced sim racing wheelbase that delivers exceptional performance and precision control. It is an excellent choice for serious gamers and professionals who demand the best from their equipment.

Is MOZA Racing a Chinese company? ›

The history of the brand

The Chinese company Gudsen Moza was founded in 2012. And if this brand doesn't ring a bell, that's okay.

What is the best steering wheel sensitivity for F1? ›

F1 cars rarely pass 90 degrees each way when it comes to wheel rotation. So the G HUB operating range shouldn't exceed 360 degrees. Elsewhere, the overall sensitivity should be the same for most games, around the 50% mark.

What is the maximum wheel rotation for F1? ›

Maximum Wheel Rotation (F1 &F2)

The default is set to 360.

Do F1 wheels need balancing? ›

The balance of a Formula 1 car's wheels is a critical factor that directly influences its performance on the track. Even the slightest imbalance in the tires can lead to vibrations, reduced grip, and compromised stability, especially when the car is driven at high speeds.

What is the best steering wheel for F1? ›

The best F1 sim racing wheels
  • Thrustmaster TM Open Wheel AddOn.
  • Thrustmaster F1 Wheel Add-On.
  • Thrustmaster Formula Wheel Add-On Ferrari SF1000 Edition.
  • Ascher Racing F28-SC V2 Sim Racing Steering Wheel – Wireless.
  • Ascher Racing F64 V3 Sim Racing Steering Wheel.
Mar 26, 2024

What does the steering rate do in the F1 23? ›

The steering rate setting is new to F1 23 and is designed to help those racing with a controller. The steering rate will change the in-game speed of the steering in relation to your controller input.

Can you play F1 23 with a steering wheel? ›

Note: When playing F1 23 on Xbox, before entering the game, press and hold the “L3” and “R3” buttons on the steering wheel for 5 seconds, The steering wheel's LED indicator will flash quickly and then return to green, indicating that the mode switch is successful, then You can enter and play the F1 23 game.

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