Sun Haven: Museum Guide - Location and How to Get All Items (2024)

One of the main attractions of the beautiful Sun Haven isn’t the museum. Why? Probably because it is empty. However, with your help, this place can become the most beautiful spot in town and you will be properly rewarded for it. There are three halls in the Sun Haven museum and you will have to fill each one’s bundles to the brim. Luckily, there are many players online that will want to help each other and they have helped us figure out how to get all of the items. Here is how to get all the items for the bundles in the Sun Haven museum.

Related: Sun Haven: Complete Romance Guide – Gifts, Options, Marriage

Table of Contents -

Museum Location in Sun Haven

Museum Guide for Sun Haven – Checklist

Sun Haven Museum – Hall of Gems

Sun Haven Museum – The Aquarium

Museum Location in Sun Haven

The museum in Sun Haven has a relatively hidden location due to the fact that it is not shown on the map. Luckily, the museum is situated north of the library, which is right in the center of Sun Haven.

If you don’t know the exact location of the museum in Sun Haven, then the screenshot below with it poited out on the map will be very useful to you:

Sun Haven: Museum Guide - Location and How to Get All Items (1)

Museum Guide for Sun Haven – Checklist

For most of the bundles, players will just need to collect normal items that they do every day and bring a few of them over to the Sun Haven museum. Since some of them require extra effort, we have also listed where and how to get all the necessary items.

Here is how to get all the items for the museum, categorized by halls:

Sun Haven Museum – Hall of Gems

The Hall of Gems will mostly be filled with things you will get from the three main mines in Sun Haven. If you don’t give the resources in their pure form, then you might also have to smelt them.

Mana Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Mana Drop x20Nel’Vari – Mana Infuser Table (Elven Plank x35, Elven Stone x100)Nel’Vari Mana Infuser x2

Golden Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Golden MilkCow with Skill PerkGolden Tree Seeds
Golden Tree Seeds Recipe
Golden EggChicken with Skill Perk
Golden WoolSheep with Skill Perk
Golden PomegranateForaging with Skill Perk
Golden LogBaby Tree with Skill Perk
Golden FeatherGriffon with Skill Perk
Golden SilkSilk Moth with Skill Perk
Golden AppleFarm/Forage with Skill Perk
Golden OrangeFarm/Forage with Skill Perk
Golden StrawberryFarm/Forage with Skill Perk
Golden BlueberryFarm/Forage with Skill Perk
Golden PeachFarm/Forage with Skill Perk
Golden RaspberryFarm/Forage with Skill Perk

Nel’Vari Mines Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Mana Shard x5Nel’Vari MineMining Skill Tome
Golden Leaf Crown
Sparkling Dragon Scale x5Nel’Vari Mine
Sharp Dragon Scale x5Nel’Vari Mine
Tough Dragon Scale x5Nel’Vari Mine

Withergate Mines Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Candy Corn Pieces x5Withergate MineHigh Jumper Shoes
Candy Necklace
Rock Candy Gem x5Withergate Mine
Jawbreaker Gem x5Withergate Mine
Hard Butterscotch Gem x5Withergate Mine

Gem Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
SapphireSun Haven MineGem Trophy
Black Diamond Ring
RubySun Haven Mine
AmethystSun Haven Mine
DiamondSun Haven Mine
HaveniteSun Haven Mine
DizziteSun Haven Mine Final Room
Black DiamondSun Haven and Nel’Vari Mine

Bars Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Copper BarSun Haven Mine – SmeltMagma Headband
Magma Chestplate
Magma Gloves
Magma Pants
Iron BarSun Haven Mine – Smelt
Gold BarSun Haven Mine – Smelt
Adamant BarSun Haven Mine – Smelt
Mithril BarSun Haven Mine – Smelt
Sunite BarSun Haven Mine – Smelt
Elven Steel BarNel’Vari Mine – Smelt
Glorite BarWithergate – Dynus Alter Mine – Smelt in Dynus Forge

Money Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Coins x25000Sun HavenMoney Maker Tophat
Money Maker Coat
Money Maker Gloves
Money Maker Pants
Mana Orbs x1000Nel’Vari
Tickets x1000Withergate

Sun Haven Museum – Hall of Culture

The Hall of Culture is where you have to bring the materials that you get every day from your farm. Since there will be bundles for each season of the year, this hall will take a long time to fill.

Foraging Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
LogSun Haven TreesLarge Magic Potion
Hardwood Ring
Foraging Ring
AppleSun Haven Farm/Forage
SeaweedSun Haven Forage – Beach
BlueberrySun Haven Farm/Forage
MushroomSun Haven Forage
OrangeSun Haven Farm/Forage
StrawberrySun Haven Farm/Forage
BerrySun Haven Forage
RaspberrySun Haven Farm/Forage
PeachSun Haven Farm/Forage
Sand DollarSun Haven Forage – Beach
StarfishSun Haven Forage – Beach

Spring Crops Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
GrapesSun Haven Farm – SpringSeed Maker
Advanced Magic Fertilizer Recipe
Spring Scarecrow
WheatSun Haven Farm – Spring
TomatoSun Haven Farm – Spring
CornSun Haven Farm – Spring
OnionSun Haven Farm – Spring
PotatoSun Haven Farm – Spring
GreenrootSun Haven Farm – Spring
CarrotSun Haven Farm – Spring
KaleSun Haven Farm – Spring
LettuceSun Haven Farm – Spring
CinnaberrySun Haven Farm – Spring
PepperSun Haven Farm – Spring
ShimmerootSun Haven Farm – Spring

Summer Crops Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
ArmoranthSun Haven Farm – SummerKeg
Advanced Magic Fertilizer
Summer Scarecrow
Guava BerrySun Haven Farm – Summer
BeetSun Haven Farm – Summer
LemonSun Haven Farm – Summer
ChocoberrySun Haven Farm – Summer
PineappleSun Haven Farm – Summer
PepperSun Haven Farm – Summer
MelonSun Haven Farm – Summer
StormelonSun Haven Farm – Summer
DurianSun Haven Farm – Summer

Fall Crops Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
GarlicSun Haven Farm – FallHardwood x100
Heavystone x100
Fall Scarecrow
YamSun Haven Farm – Fall
Soda PopSun Haven Farm – Fall
Fizzy FruitSun Haven Farm – Fall
CranberrySun Haven Farm – Fall
BarleySun Haven Farm – Fall
PumpkinSun Haven Farm – Fall
Ghost PepperSun Haven Farm – Fall
ButternutSun Haven Farm – Fall

Winter Crops Bundle

Required itemsWhere and How to GetReward
Tea LeavesSun Haven Farm – WinterWatermelon Vine Seeds x20
Seed Maker
Winter Scarecrow
TurnipSun Haven Farm – Winter
Purple EggplantSun Haven Farm – Winter
Heat FruitSun Haven Farm – Winter
Marshmallow BeanSun Haven Farm – Winter
Brr-NanaSun Haven Farm – Winter
StarfruitSun Haven Farm – Winter
Hexagon BerrySun Haven Farm – Winter
Snow PeaSun Haven Farm – Winter
Snow BallSun Haven Farm – Winter
Blizzard BerrySun Haven Farm – Winter
Balloon FruitSun Haven Farm – Winter
Pythagorean BerrySun Haven Farm – Winter
Blue Moon FruitSun Haven Farm – Winter
Candy CaneSun Haven Farm – Winter

Flowers Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Honey FlowerSun Haven FarmRed Rose Bouquet x10
Red Rose Bouquet Recipe
Blue Rose Bouquet x10
Blue Rose Bouquet Recipe
Red RoseSun Haven Farm
Blue RoseSun Haven Farm
DaisySun Haven Farm
OrchidSun Haven Farm
TulipSun Haven Farm
HibiscusSun Haven Farm
LavenderSun Haven Farm
SunflowerSun Haven Farm
LilySun Haven Farm
LotusSun Haven Farm

Exploration Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Petrified LogSun Haven – Cutting TreesLarge Magic Potion x3
Explorer’s Trophy
Phoenix FeatherNel’Vari – Cutting Trees, Sun Haven – Foraging & Cutting Trees
Fairy WingsSun Haven – Foraging Fruit Trees
Griffon EggNel’Vari – Cutting Trees
Mana SapSun Haven – East Forest Cutting Trees
Pumice Stone?
Mysterious AntlerWhitergate – Rooftop Farm Cutting Regular Trees, Sun Haven – Foraging Trees
Dragon FangNel’Vari – Foraging
Monster CandyWhitergate – Rooftop Farm Cutting Trees, Sun Haven – Forage Trees by Lynn’s House
Unicorn Hair TuftSun Haven – Foraging & Cutting Trees, Nel’Vari – Foraging Trees

Combat Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Leafie TrinketLeafy – West ForestTraining Dummy
Combat Trophy
Warriors Keepsake
Elite Leafie TrinketElite Leafy – West Forest
Centapillar TrinketCentipillar – West Forest
Peppinch – Green TrinketPeppinch – East Forest
Scorpepper TrinketScorpepper – East Forest
Elite Scorpepper TrinketElite Scorpepper – East Forest
Hat Crab TrinketHat Crab – Beach
Floaty Crab TrinketFloaty Crab – Beach
Bucket Crab TrinketCrab Knight – Beach
Umbrella Crab TrinketUmbrella Crab – Beach
Chimchuck TrinketChimchuck – East Forest
Ancient Sun Haven Sword?
Ancient Nel’Varian Sword?
Ancient Withergate Sword?

Alchemy Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Mana PotionAlchemy Table (Lettuce x2, Berry x2)Wizard Crafting Table
Wizard’s Crafting Table Recipe
Health PotionAlchemy Table (Tomato x3, Mushroom x2)
Attack PotionAlchemy Table (Pepper x2, Leafie Leaf x5)
Speed PotionAlchemy Table (Popcorn x2, Lightning Bottle x5)
Defense PotionAlchemy Table (Potato x3, Bug Shell x5)
Advanced Attack PotionAlchemy Table (Sharp Dragon Scale x8, Mana x40)
Advanced Defense PotionAlchemy Table (Tough Dragon Scale x8, Mana x40)
Advanced Spell Damage PotionAlchemy Table (Sparkling Dragon Scale x8, Mana x40)
Incredible Spell Damage PotionAlchemy Table (Jawbreaker Gem x8, Mana x50)
Incredible Attack PotionAlchemy Table (Hard Butterscotch Gem x8, Mana x50)
Incredible Defense PotionAlchemy Table (Rock Candy Gem x8, Mana x50)

Nel’Vari Crops Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
AcornNel’Vari Farm / Sun Haven Farm with TotemWalk Choy Pet
Shiiwalki Mushroom Pet
Rock FruitNel’Vari Farm
Water FruitNel’Vari Farm
Fire FruitNel’Vari Farm
Walk ChoyNel’Vari Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
Wind ChimeNel’Vari Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
Shiiwalki MushroomNel’Vari Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
Dragon FruitNel’Vari Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
Mana GemNel’Vari Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
Cat TailNel’Vari Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
IndiglowNel’Vari Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem

Withergate Crops Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Kraken KaleWithergate Farm / Sun Haven Farm with TotemPumpkin Helmet
Farming Skill Tome
TombmelonWithergate Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
SuckerstemWithergate Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
RazorstalkWithergate Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
Snappy PlantWithergate Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
MoonplantWithergate Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
EggplantWithergate Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem
Demon OrbWithergate Farm / Sun Haven Farm with Totem

Nel’Vari Temple Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Origins of the Grand Tree – Book INel’Vari MineSun Orb Seed x10
Elven Health Book
Origins of the Grand Tree – Book IINel’Vari Mine
Origins of the Grand Tree – Book IIINel’Vari Mine
Origins of the Grand Tree – Book IVNel’Vari Mine
Origins of the Grand Tree – Book VNel’Vari Mine
Origins of Sun Haven – Book ISun Haven Mine
Origins of Sun Haven – Book IISun Haven Mine
Origins of Sun Haven – Book IIISun Haven Mine
Origins of Sun Haven – Book IVSun Haven Mine
Origins of Sun Haven – Book VSun Haven Mine
Origins of Dynus – Book IWithergate Mine
Origins of Dynus – Book IIWithergate Mine
Origins of Dynus – Book IIIWithergate Mine
Origins of Dynus – Book IVWithergate Mine
Origins of Dynus – Book VWithergate Mine

Sun Haven Museum – The Aquarium

If this wasn’t obvious, to fill the Sun Haven Aquarium, you will have to fish a lot. Unfortunately, this is the hardest part of the museum that will probably take you a really long time.

Fishing Bundle

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Handmade BobberSun Haven West Forest and Sea DockLegendary Bait
Legendary Bait Recipe
Fishing Trophy
Ancient Magic StaffSun Haven East Forest (Orange Tree)
Bronze Dragon RelicSun Haven Bakery Lake
Old Sword HiltSun Haven/Nel’Vari Forest Boundary Bridge
Nel’Varian RunestonePool on the Withergate Farm
Ancient Elven HeaddressWithergate Forest
Old Mayoral PaintingSun Haven West Forest
Tentacle Monster EmblemNel’Vari Forest
Ancient Angel QuillSun Haven East Forest near Well
Ancient Naga CrookSun Haven West Forest/Farm
Ancient Almari TotemSun Haven East Forest (Orange Tree)

Spring Fish Tank

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Butterfly FishSun Haven Sea DockFishing Skill Tome
Small Aquarium
Sun FishSun Haven Sea Dock
Flower FlounderSun Haven Sea Dock
Raincloud RaySun Haven Sea Dock near Fishing Store (Raining)
Floral TroutSun Haven East Forest (Orange Tree)
Neon TetraSun Haven Sea Dock near Fishing Store
Sea HorseSun Haven Sea Dock near Fishing Store
Painted EggSun Haven North of Farm, Beside Bakery
TadpoleSun Haven West Forest (Bridge)

Summer Fish Tank

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
BlazeelSun Haven Sea Dock near Fishing StoreFishing Skill Tome
Small Aquarium
Hearth AnglerSun Haven Sea Dock near Fishing Store
Scorching SquidSun Haven Sea Dock near Fishing Store
Magma StarSun Haven Sea Dock near Fishing Store
Tinder TurtleSun Haven Farm Middle Pond
PyrelusSun Haven Sea Dock near Fishing Store
Flame RaySun Haven Sea Dock near Fishing Store
Molten SlugSun Haven Sea Dock, East Forest (Chocobo Transport Pond)
SearbackSun Haven East Forest (Chocobo Transport Pond)

Fall Fish Tank

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
CoducopiaSun Haven East Forest PondFishing Skill Tome
Small Aquarium
King SalmonSun Haven Sea Dock
HayfishSun Haven East Forest Pond, East of Farm Pond
Acorn AnchovySun Haven Sea Dock
Vampire PiranhaSun Haven East Forest – Well, Bakery
GhostfishSun Haven Farm, East Forest
Pumpkin JellySun Haven Sea Dock
Pirate PerchSun Haven East of Farm Pond, East Forest
Autumn Leaf SoleSun Haven East of Farm Pond, East Forest (Transport Pond)

Winter Fish Tank

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
FrostfinSun Haven (Town)Fishing Skill Tome
Small Aquarium
Christmas LightfishSun Haven (Town, Bakery, West Forest, East of Farm Pond, Farm)
Holly CarpSun Haven (Farm, Town)
Jingle BassSun Haven Sea Dock
Frozen TunaSun Haven Sea Dock
ScarffishSun Haven (Town)
HeatfinSun Haven (Farm, Town)
Icicle CarpSun Haven Sea Dock
Blazing HerringSun Haven Sea Dock

Withergate Fish Tank

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
KrakenWithergate (City, Pool, Forest)Fishing Skill Tome
Small Aquarium
Water BearWithergate (Sewer)
Bonemouth BassWithergate (City, Sewer, Rooftop)
Mummy TroutWithergate (Sewer, Forest)
Deadeye ShrimpWithergate (City, Rooftop, Forest)
Electric EelWithergate (City, Pool)
Brain JellyWithergate (Sewer, Forest)
Redfinned PincherWithergate (Forest)
Sea BatWithergate
Ghosthead TunaWithergate (Sewer, Forest)
GlobfishWithergate (City, Rooftop)
Living JellyWithergate (City, Forest, Rooftop)
PurrmaidWithergate (City, Forest)
Slime LeechWithergate (Sewer)
Goblin SharkWithergate (City, Forest)
MoonfishWithergate (City, Rooftop, Forest)
Toothy AnglerWithergate (Sewer)
Vampire SquidWithergate (Sewer)
ViperfishWithergate (City, Sewer)
Albino SquidWithergate (City)
DevilfinWithergate (City)

Nel’Vari Fish Tank

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Robed ParrotfishNel’VariFishing Skill Tome
Small Aquarium
AxolotlNel’Vari (Forest)
Frilled BettaNel’Vari
Dragon GulperNel’Vari
Neapolitan FishNel’Vari (Town, Farm)
Kelp EelNel’Vari
Princely FrogNel’Vari (Town, Farm)
AngelfinNel’Vari (Town, Farm)
BubblefishNel’Vari (Forest)
Crystal TetraNel’Vari (Town, Farm)
SkyrayNel’Vari (Forest)

Large Fish Tank

Required ItemsWhere and How to GetReward
Pygmy TunaSun Haven (Farm, Sea, Town), NetsFish Mount Whistle
CatfishSun Haven (Farm, Town, West & East Forests)
Gold FishSun Haven (Farm, Town, West Forest), Nets
Streamline CodSun Haven (Sea), Small Net
SalmonSun Haven (Sea)
ClownfishSun Haven (Sea)
Black BassSun Haven (East of Farm)
Rainbow TroutSun Haven (Sea), Large Net
Popeye GoldfishSun Haven/Nel’Vari Bridge
PufferfishSun Haven (Sea), Small Net
Ironhead SturgeonSun Haven (Sea)
CuddlefishSun Haven (Sea), Nets
LobsterSun Haven (Sea), Small Net
Silver CarpSun Haven (Farm, Town, East Forest), Nets
TunaSun Haven (Sea)
Blunted SwordfishSun Haven (Sea), Large Net
Ribbon EelSun Haven (Sea)
Tiger TroutSun Haven River North of Beach
EelSun Haven (Sea, West Forest)
Red SnapperSun Haven (West & East Forests)
CarpSun Haven (Farm, Town, East Forest), Large Net
Redeye PiranhaSun Haven (East Forest)
Angel FishSun Haven (Sea), Nets, Quest Reward
Whitebelly SharkSun Haven (Sea), Large Net
Koi FishSun Haven (Town – South Pond)
Sandstone FishSun Haven – North of train, west in sandstone area

And that is all you need to know about the museum in Sun Haven. Check out other interesting guides and articles:

  • Sun Haven: Topi’s Notebook Location
  • Sun Haven: Bridge Flower Location
  • Sun Haven – Does it Have Controller Support? Answered
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Adrian Oprea

Based in Munich, Germany, Adrian Oprea is the Founder of Raider King. He is a writer with a passion for storytelling and a love for all things RPG. When not wielding a keyboard, he can be found exploring fantastical worlds, one quest at a time.

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Sun Haven: Museum Guide - Location and How to Get All Items (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.