Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (2024)

Sun Haven’s Early Access has been out for a while and if you’re a fan of Stardew Valley and farming-type games then you need to get on this. It’s basically Harvest Moon in a fantasy setting where you can fish, farm and mine while riding on your pet lion.

Like all great life simulation games, Sun Haven has a fishing mechanic. Which is my personal favourite thing to do in most games. As with most great fishing mechanics in a game, there are a lot of things to know and progress to. Such as the different rods, fish, skill tree and more. In this guide, we’re going to cover all of that so put that bait on your lure and let’s get started!

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (1)

Disclaimer:Sun Havenis still in Early Access and as such this information is subject to change. We’ll be adding more to this guide as the game updates.

Contents hide

1 How To Fish

2 Fishing Nets

3 Fishing Rods

4 Where To Catch Fish

5 Sun Haven

5.1 Sun Haven – Town

5.2 Sun Haven – Sea

5.3 Sun Haven – East Forest

5.4 Sun Haven – West Forest

6 Withergate

6.1 Withergate – Forest

6.2 Withergate – Rooftop Pool

6.3 Withergate – Sewer

7 Nel’Vari

7.1 Nel’Vari – Elven Forest

7.2 Nel’Vari – Farm

8 Midnight Isle

9 Fishing Skill Tree

10 Sun Haven Guides

How To Fish

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (2)
  1. To start fishing first you must look for an area with fish. This can be seen as small moving shadows in bodies of water.
  2. Next, cast a fishing rod with the left mouse button near the fish shadows. Hold on to the button and a meter will appear that indicates how far the line will be cast. Release the left mouse button to cast.
  3. Attached to the end of the line is a bobber. If a fish bites, the bobber will fully submerge into the water with a “boop” sound indicator. Hit the left mouse button then to reel in your fish (or other aquatic creature).

You can catch fish with fishing nets. Cast your fishing net in the river pond or beach to automatically catch fish.

Fishing Nets

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (3)

Small Fishing Net

Crafting: Loom | 60 mins | x20 Stone, x20 Wood Plank, x2 Silk

Ability to Catch: Angel Fish, Blue Gill, Clam, Crab, Cuddlefish, Gold Fish, Ironhead Sturgeon, Old Boot, Pufferfish, Pygmy Tuna, Sand Dollar, Sea Bass, Seaweed, Silver Carp, Starfish, Streamline Cod, Tin Can

Large Fishing Net

Crafting: Crafting Table | 120 mins | x4 Water Crystal, x50 Wood Plank, x180 Stone

Ability to Catch: Angel Fish, Bashful Pike, Blue Gill, Blue Tang, Blunted Swordfish, Carp, Cuddlefish, Eel, Gold Boot, Gold Fish, Ironhead Sturgeon, Pufferfish, Pygmy Tuna, Rainbow Trout, Royal Herring, Silver Carp, Starfish, Streamline Cod, Whitebelly Shark

Fishing Rods

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (4)
Fishing RodBuffsLocationCost
Basic Fishing RodNo BuffsGiven by Peter the first time you visit the beach.500g
Very Good Fishing Rod
(Req. Lvl 10)
+10 Fishing SkillPeter’s Fishing Store3000g
Branch Fishing Rod
(Req. Lvl 10)
+3 Fishing Skill
-15% Slider Speed
Peter’s Fishing Store6000g
Golden Fishing Rod+4 Fishing Skill
+Gold Coins when you catch a fish
Peter’s Fishing Store12000g
Withergate Fishing Rod+12 Fishing Skill
-15% Slider Speed
+15% Spawn Rate of Fish in Withergate
Christine’s Seed Stall (Withergate)200 Tickets
Enchanted Fishing Rod+8 Fishing Skill
+ Quality of fish catch
+Chance to catch Enchanted Fish
Sylvius (Nel’Vari)100 Mana Orbs

Where To Catch Fish

Sun Haven

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (5)
FishEffectSale Price
Blue Gill+10 MPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 38
Blue Tang+10 HPNorm: 18
Rare: 22
Epic: 27
Legend: 36
Carp+19 HPNorm: 45
Rare: 56
Epic: 67
Legend: 90
Catfish+10 MPNorm: 23
Rare: 28
Epic: 34
Legend: 46
Chromafin+45 MPNorm: 600
Rare: 750
Epic: 900
Legend: 1200
Dorado+5 MPNorm: 15
Rare: 18
Epic: 22
Legend: 30
Gold Fish+10 MPNorm: 30
Rare: 37
Epic: 45
Legend: 60
Golden Carp+60 MPNorm: 800
Rare: 1000
Epic: 1200
Legend: 1600
Koi Fish+20 MPNorm: 195
Rare: 243
Epic: 292
Legend: 390
Popeye Goldfish+10 HPNorm: 23
Rare: 28
Epic: 34
Legend: 46
Pygmy Tuna+10 HPNorm: 26
Rare: 32
Epic: 39
Legend: 52
Red Tie Guppy+5 MPNorm: 15
Rare: 18
Epic: 22
Legend: 30
Silver Carp+18 MPNorm: 50
Rare: 62
Epic: 75
Legend: 100

Sun Haven – Town

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (6)
FishEffectSale Price
Blue Gill+10 MPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 38
Catfish+10 MPNorm: 23
Rare: 28
Epic: 34
Legend: 46
Chromafin+45 MPNorm: 600
Rare: 750
Epic: 900
Legend: 1200
Dorado+5 MPNorm: 15
Rare: 18
Epic: 22
Legend: 30
Gold Fish+10 MPNorm: 30
Rare: 37
Epic: 45
Legend: 60
Golden Carp+60 MPNorm: 800
Rare: 1000
Epic: 1200
Legend: 1600
Pygmy Tuna+10 HPNorm: 26
Rare: 32
Epic: 39
Legend: 52
Red Tie Guppy+5 MPNorm: 15
Rare: 18
Epic: 22
Legend: 30
Silver Carp+18 MPNorm: 50
Rare: 62
Epic: 75
Legend: 100

Sun Haven – Sea

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (7)
FishEffectSale Price (g)
Angel Fish+15 MPNorm: 45
Rare: 56
Epic: 67
Legend: 90
Bashful Pike+10 HPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 38
Blue Tang+10 HPNorm: 18
Rare: 22
Epic: 27
Legend: 36
Blunted Swordfish+19 HPNorm: 65
Rare: 81
Epic: 97
Legend: 130
Clown Fish+10 MPNorm: 24
Rare: 30
Epic: 36
Legend: 48
Crab+10 HPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 38
Cuddlefish+16 MPNorm: 50
Rare: 62
Epic: 75
Legend: 100
Eel+16 MPNorm: 50
Rare: 62
Epic: 75
Legend: 100
Golden Carp+60 MPNorm: 800
Rare: 1000
Epic: 1200
Legend: 1600
Ironhead Sturgeon+18 HPNorm: 45
Rare: 56
Epic: 67
Legend: 90
Lobster+20 MPNorm: 55
Rare: 68
Epic: 82
Legend: 110
Pufferfish-5 HPNorm: 43
Rare: 53
Epic: 64
Legend: 86
Pygmy Tuna+10 HPNorm: 26
Rare: 32
Epic: 39
Legend: 52
Rainbow Trout+15 MPNorm: 26
Rare: 32
Epic: 39
Legend: 52
Ribbon Eel+20 MPNorm: 190
Rare: 237
Epic: 285
Legend: 380
Royal Herring+50 MPNorm: 500
Rare: 625
Epic: 750
Legend: 1000
Salmon+10 MPNorm: 29
Rare: 36
Epic: 43
Legend: 58
Sea Bass+10 HPNorm: 14
Rare: 17
Epic: 21
Legend: 28
Streamline Cod+10 MPNorm: 28
Rare: 35
Epic: 42
Legend: 56
Tuna+20 HPNorm: 45
Rare: 56
Epic: 67
Legend: 90
Whitebelly Shark+20 HPNorm: 225
Rare: 281
Epic: 337
Legend: 450

Sun Haven – East Forest

The West Forest is Northeast ofHome Sweet Homeand East ofSun Haven. It leads to the Glorite Cave and theDeep Wilderness.

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (8)
FishEffectSale Price
Averagemouth Bass+14 HPNorm: 18
Rare: 22
Epic: 27
Legend: 36
Bitterling+10 HPNorm: 12
Rare: 15
Epic: 18
Legend: 24
Black Bass+10 HPNorm: 27
Rare: 33
Epic: 40
Legend: 54
Blue Gill+10 MPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 38
Carp+19 HPNorm: 45
Rare: 56
Epic: 67
Legend: 90
Catfish+10 MPNorm: 23
Rare: 28
Epic: 34
Legend: 46
Chromafin+45 MPNorm: 600
Rare: 750
Epic: 900
Legend: 1200
Dorado+5 MPNorm: 15
Rare: 18
Epic: 22
Legend: 30
Rainbow Trout+15 MPNorm: 26
Rare: 32
Epic: 39
Legend: 52
Redeye Piranha+20 HPNorm: 180
Rare: 225
Epic: 270
Legend: 360
Red Snapper+15 MPNorm: 60
Rare: 75
Epic: 90
Legend: 120
Red Tie Guppy+5 MPNorm: 15
Rare: 18
Epic: 22
Legend: 30
Salmon+10 MPNorm: 29
Rare: 36
Epic: 43
Legend: 58
Silver Carp+18 MPNorm: 50
Rare: 62
Epic: 75
Legend: 100
Tiger Trout+20 HPNorm: 42
Rare: 52
Epic: 63
Legend: 84

Sun Haven – West Forest

The West Forest is Northwest ofHome Sweet Homeand West ofSun Haven. It leads to the Elven village ofNel’Vari.

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (9)
FishEffectSale Price
Averagemouth Bass+14 HPNorm: 18
Rare: 22
Epic: 27
Legend: 36
Bitterling+10 HPNorm: 12
Rare: 15
Epic: 18
Legend: 24
Black Bass+10 HPNorm: 27
Rare: 33
Epic: 40
Legend: 54
Blue Gill+10 MPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 38
Carp+19 HPNorm: 45
Rare: 56
Epic: 67
Legend: 90
Catfish+10 MPNorm: 23
Rare: 28
Epic: 34
Legend: 46
Chromafin+45 MPNorm: 600
Rare: 750
Epic: 900
Legend: 1200
Dorado+5 MPNorm: 15
Rare: 18
Epic: 22
Legend: 30
Eel+16 MPNorm: 50
Rare: 62
Epic: 75
Legend: 100
Gold Fish+10 MPNorm: 30
Rare: 37
Epic: 45
Legend: 60
Koi Fish+20 MPNorm: 195
Rare: 243
Epic: 292
Legend: 390
Popeye Goldfish+10 HPNorm: 23
Rare: 28
Epic: 34
Legend: 46
Rainbow Trout+15 MPNorm: 26
Rare: 32
Epic: 39
Legend: 52
Red Snapper+15 MPNorm: 60
Rare: 75
Epic: 90
Legend: 120
Red Tie Guppy+5 MPNorm: 15
Rare: 18
Epic: 22
Legend: 30
Salmon+10 MPNorm: 29
Rare: 36
Epic: 43
Legend: 58
Silver Carp+18 MPNorm: 50
Rare: 62
Epic: 75
Legend: 100
Tiger Trout+20 HPNorm: 42
Rare: 52
Epic: 63
Legend: 84


Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (10)
FishEffectSale Price (Tickets)
Albino Squid+80 HPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 3
Bonemouth Bass+25 MPNorm: 6
Rare: 7
Epic: 9
Legend: 12
Deadeye Shrimp+25 HPNorm: 6
Rare: 7
Epic: 9
Legend: 12
Devilfin+80 HPNorm: 25
Rare: 31
Epic: 37
Legend: 50
Dumbo Octopus+25 MPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Duorado+25 HPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Eel-Like-Thing+40 MPNorm: 15
Rare: 18
Epic: 22
Legend: 30
Electric Eel+20 MPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Globfish+35 HPNorm: 10
Rare: 12
Epic: 15
Legend: 20
Goblin Shark+40 HPNorm: 11
Rare: 13
Epic: 16
Legend: 22
Jacko’fin+25 HPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Kraken+25 MPNorm: 8
Rare: 10
Epic: 12
Legend: 16
Living Jelly+35 MPNorm: 9
Rare: 11
Epic: 13
Legend: 18
Moonfish+40 MPNorm: 13
Rare: 16
Epic: 19
Legend: 26
Purrmaid+35 MPNorm: 12
Rare: 15
Epic: 18
Legend: 24
Sea Bat+25 MPNorm: 8
Rare: 10
Epic: 12
Legend: 16
Shadow Tuna+70 MPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 38
Viperfish+40 HPNorm: 13
Rare: 16
Epic: 19
Legend: 26
Zombie Fish+25 HPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8

Withergate – Forest

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (11)
FishEffectSale Price (Tickets)
Brain Jelly+30 MPNorm: 6
Rare: 7
Epic: 9
Legend: 12
Creep Fish+25 MPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Deadeye Shrimp+25 HPNorm: 6
Rare: 7
Epic: 9
Legend: 12
Dumbo Octopus+25 MPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Duorado+25 HPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Ghosthead Tuna+35 HPNorm: 12
Rare: 15
Epic: 18
Legend: 24
Ghoul Fish+25 MPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Goblin Shark+40 HPNorm: 11
Rare: 13
Epic: 16
Legend: 22
Jacko’fin+25 HPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Kraken+25 MPNorm: 8
Rare: 10
Epic: 12
Legend: 16
Living Jelly+35 MPNorm: 9
Rare: 11
Epic: 13
Legend: 18
Moonfish+40 MPNorm: 13
Rare: 16
Epic: 19
Legend: 26
Mummy Trout+25 HPNorm: 7
Rare: 8
Epic: 10
Legend: 14
Purrmaid+35 MPNorm: 12
Rare: 15
Epic: 18
Legend: 24
Redfinned Pincher+25 HPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Sea Bat+25 MPNorm: 8
Rare: 10
Epic: 12
Legend: 16
Shadow Tuna+70 MPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 38
Spiked Salmon+25 HPNorm: 3
Rare: 3
Epic: 4
Legend: 6
Zombie Fish+25 HPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8

Withergate – Rooftop Pool

FishEffectSale Price (Tickets)
Bonemouth Bass+25 MPNorm: 42
Rare: 52
Epic: 63
Legend: 84
Deadeye Shrimp+25 HPNorm: 6
Rare: 7
Epic: 9
Legend: 12
Dumbo Octopus+25 MPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Duorado+25 HPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Eel-Like-Thing+40 MPNorm: 15
Rare: 18
Epic: 22
Legend: 30
Electric Eel+20 MPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Globfish+35 HPNorm: 10
Rare: 12
Epic: 15
Legend: 20
Jacko’fin+25 HPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Kraken+25 MPNorm: 8
Rare: 10
Epic: 12
Legend: 16
Living Jelly+35 MPNorm: 9
Rare: 11
Epic: 13
Legend: 18
Moonfish+40 MPNorm: 13
Rare: 16
Epic: 19
Legend: 26
Sea Bat+25 MPNorm: 8
Rare: 10
Epic: 12
Legend: 16
Shadow Tuna+70 MPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 38
Zombie Fish+25 HPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8

Withergate – Sewer

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (12)
FishEffectSale Price (Tickets)
Bonemouth Bass+25 MPNorm: 42
Rare: 52
Epic: 63
Legend: 84
Brain Jelly+30 MPNorm: 6
Rare: 7
Epic: 9
Legend: 12
Duorado+25 HPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Ghosthead Tuna+35 HPNorm: 12
Rare: 15
Epic: 18
Legend: 24
Globfish+35 HPNorm: 10
Rare: 12
Epic: 15
Legend: 20
Mummy Trout+25 HPNorm: 7
Rare: 8
Epic: 10
Legend: 14
Sea Bat+25 MPNorm: 8
Rare: 10
Epic: 12
Legend: 16
Shadow Tuna+70 MPNorm: 19
Rare: 23
Epic: 28
Legend: 38
Slime Leech+35 HPNorm: 11
Rare: 13
Epic: 16
Legend: 22
Spiked Salmon+25 HPNorm: 3
Rare: 3
Epic: 4
Legend: 6
Toothy Angler+40 HPNorm: 11
Rare: 13
Epic: 16
Legend: 22
Vampire Squid+50 HPNorm: 12
Rare: 15
Epic: 18
Legend: 24
Viperfish+40 HPNorm: 13
Rare: 16
Epic: 19
Legend: 26
Water Bear+25 HPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Zombie Fish+25 HPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8


Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (13)
FishEffectSale Price (Mana Orb)
Angelfin+70 MPNorm: 17
Rare: 21
Epic: 25
Legend: 34
Crystal Tetra+70 MPNorm: 16
Rare: 20
Epic: 24
Legend: 32
Dragon Gulper+30 MPNorm: 6
Rare: 7
Epic: 9
Legend: 12
Flamefish+30 MPNorm: 7
Rare: 8
Epic: 10
Legend: 14
Frilled Beta+20 MPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Horsefish+20 MPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Kelp Eel+40 MPNorm: 7
Rare: 8
Epic: 10
Legend: 14
Neapolitan Fish+30 MPNorm: 8
Rare: 10
Epic: 12
Legend: 16
Princely Frog+40 MPNorm: 11
Rare: 13
Epic: 16
Legend: 22
Robed Parrotfish+20 MPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Snobfish+30 MPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Unicornfish+15 MPNorm: 2
Rare: 2
Epic: 3
Legend: 4
Velveteen Beta

Nel’Vari – Elven Forest

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (14)
FishEffectSale Price (Mana Orb)
Axolotl+20 MPNorm: 9
Rare: 11
Epic: 13
Legend: 18
Bark Fish+15 MPNorm: 2
Rare: 2
Epic: 3
Legend: 4
Bubble Fish+70 MPNorm: 18
Rare: 22
Epic: 27
Legend: 36
Dragon Gulper+30 MPNorm: 6
Rare: 7
Epic: 9
Legend: 12
Flamefish+30 MPNorm: 7
Rare: 8
Epic: 10
Legend: 14
Frilled Beta+20 MPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Fungus Fish+15 MPNorm: 3
Rare: 3
Epic: 4
Legend: 6
Horsefish+20 MPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Kelp Eel+40 MPNorm: 7
Rare: 8
Epic: 10
Legend: 14
Leaf Sole +15 MPNorm: 2
Rare: 2
Epic: 3
Legend: 4
Robed Parrotfish+20 MPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Royal Koi+40 MPNorm: 14
Rare: 8
Epic: 10
Legend: 14
Sky Ray+70 MPNorm: 16
Rare: 20
Epic: 24
Legend: 32
Snobfish+30 MPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Unicornfish+15 MPNorm: 2
Rare: 2
Epic: 3
Legend: 4
Velveteen Beta+20 Mana3 Mana Orbs

Nel’Vari – Farm

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (15)
FishEffectSale Price (Mana Orb)
Angelfin+70 MPNorm: 17
Rare: 21
Epic: 25
Legend: 34
Crystal Tetra+70 MPNorm: 16
Rare: 20
Epic: 24
Legend: 32
Dragon Gulper+30 MPNorm: 6
Rare: 7
Epic: 9
Legend: 12
Flamefish+30 MPNorm: 7
Rare: 8
Epic: 10
Legend: 14
Frilled Beta+20 MPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Horsefish+20 MPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Kelp Eel+40 MPNorm: 7
Rare: 8
Epic: 10
Legend: 14
Neapolitan Fish+30 MPNorm: 8
Rare: 10
Epic: 12
Legend: 16
Princely Frog+40 MPNorm: 11
Rare: 13
Epic: 16
Legend: 22
Robed Parrotfish+20 MPNorm: 4
Rare: 5
Epic: 6
Legend: 8
Snobfish+30 MPNorm: 5
Rare: 6
Epic: 7
Legend: 10
Unicornfish+15 MPNorm: 2
Rare: 2
Epic: 3
Legend: 4
Velveteen Beta+20 Mana3 Mana Orbs

Midnight Isle

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (16)

Midnight Isleis an island accessible to the player after receivingKing Minos’s Emblemfrom completing the Altar of Fishing inDynus’ Altar Room. Once per day, the player can askCharonto take them to Midnight Isle so they can catch valuable rare fish.

However, Charon claims the island is cursed and will only allow the player 5 minutes to catch the fish.

FishEffectSale Price
Bonemouth Bass+23 Mana6 Tickets
Deadeye Shrimp+26 Health6 Tickets
Shadow Tuna+88 Mana20 Tickets
Slime Leech+34 Health11 Tickets
Toothy Angler+38 Health11 Tickets

Fishing Skill Tree

There are currently 5 skill trees:Exploration,Farming,Mining,Combat, andFishing. Skills can be unlocked withSkill Pointsthat are gained by increasing each skill’s corresponding experience level.

Within the skill trees, you can also unlockSpellsandAbilitiesthat allow you to take different actions in the game.

Sun Haven - The Complete Fishing Guide (Updated) | Unpause Asia (17)
IFreshly CaughtIncreases sell price of all fish by 5/10/15 gold
Upgraded LureIncreases the radius of your fishing hook by 10/20/30%
Fish now swim faster towards your hook
Automation-10/20/30% Craft cost for fishing nets
IITwin Hooks+3/6/9% chance to catch an extra fish
Firm HandReduces the difficulty of the fishing minigame by 5/10/15%
Bountiful Harvest+3/6/9 Gold for every item in your fishing net
IIIBonding Experience+Fishing EXP gained from catching fish by 3/5/7
+Bonus Fishing EXP for nearby players
Quick Cast+Cast speed of fishing rods by 8/16/24%
Taking Notes+Fishing EXP for every fish collected in fishing nets by 3/6/9
IVLost Booty+3/5/7% Chance to get a treasure chest when fishing
Bigger HookIncreases the win area of the fishing minigame by 5/10/15%
Exotic Attraction+4/8/12% Chance for fish of higher fish quality caught in fishing nets
VFirst Catch of the Day+120/250/350% gold granted equal to the first fish sale of the day
Perfect CastIncreases cast range of fishing rods by 10/20/30%
Wizard’s WeaveCollecting fish from a fishing net gives you 2/3/4 mana
VISelf SustainingCatching any fish restores 5/7/9 mana.
Familiar WatersRare, epic and legendary fish spawn rates are increased by 5/10/15%
SalvageFishing nets have a 20/35/50% chance of catching craftable items as well as fish
VIIBubble NetUnlocks the Bubble Net spell: This will conjure air bubbles that magically float forward at a speed of 1/2/3 tiles per second, trapping and catching any fish that it travels over.
Costs 25/30/35 mana, with no cooldown
Stick The Landing+5/10/15% to perfect catch area during the fishing minigame
Premium PermitIncreases your farm’s max fishing net slots by 4/6/8
VIIIOutdoorsmanEating a fish grants the Well Fed buff: Increases mana regeneration and movement speed for 5 minutes.
The Well Fed buff is 100/150/200% effective
Keen EyeThe silhouettes of rare, epic and legendary fish now sparkle in the water
Net PositiveLarge fishing nets now have a 20/35/50% chance to catch a bonus small fish
IXCelebrate SuccessCatching a fish increases your movement speed by 20/40/60%, decaying over 8 sec
Spawning SeasonIncreases the spawn rate of all fish by 10/15/20%
E-fish-iencyLarge fishing nets now catch fish in 2 days instead of 3
XArcane AnglerGrants a 4/8/12% chance to catch Enchanted quality fish
Advanced Fish MappingIncrease the spawn rate of legendary fish by 10/20/30%
Lost TreasuresLarge fishing nets have a 5/10/15% chance to catch treasure chests

Sun Haven

You’ve just arrived in Sun Haven, a medieval town full of people from all walks of life doing their best to make their beloved town thrive as it once did. As a farmer, miner, fisher, warrior, craftsman, and even a mage, you’ll find that adventure awaits you here. Sun Haven is currently out on Early Access on Steam for PC.

Sun Haven Guides

  • Sun Haven – Female Romance Guide
  • Sun Haven – Male Romance Guide
  • Sun Haven – Best Crops To Plant
  • Sun Haven – The Complete Fishing Guide
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Views: 6062

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.